CAD Design | Free CAD Blocks,Drawings,Details — Richard Meier
Top 25 Architect Quotes
Posted by You shiung Jiang on

Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light.Le Corbusier The good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built.Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.Frank Gehry I don't think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think.Zaha Hadid A building has at least two lives - the one imagined by...
World Best Architecture CAD drawings
Posted by You shiung Jiang on

【World Best Architecture CAD drawings】 All CAD .DWG files are compatible back to AutoCAD 2000.Total 108 World Best Architecture CAD drawings are available to purchase and download !!Spend more time designing, and less time drawing!Best CAD Collections for architects,interior designer and landscape designers. Get Total 108 Best Architecture drawings now! Included All the followings famous architecture cad collections: 01 Glasgow School of Art02 Notre Dame du Haut(Ronchamp)03 Villa Savoye04 Unité d'Habitation05 Falling Water-Frank Lloyd Wright06 Guggenheim Museum Bilbao07 HSBC HK08 Sydney Opera House09 Bauhaus10 Washington Dulles International Airport11 Farnsworth House12 Couvent de La Tourette13 Crown Hall14 Sendai Mediatheque-Toyo Ito15 Kaufumann Desert House16 Pavillion...